Ubound Function

Returns the index of the last element in an array.


result = Ubound( array, [dimension] )




The array whose last element number you want.

dimension (Optional)


Optional: Relevant only for multi-dimensional arrays. Used to specify the dimension for which you want the last element. The first dimension is numbered 1. If passed -1, it will return the number of dimensions in the array. If passed a non-existent dimension, it will cause an OutOfBoundsException error.


The Ubound function can be used to determine the last element of an array, but it can also be used to determine the size of an array. It may appear at first that the last element number and the size of the array are one in the same but in fact they are not. All arrays have a zero element. In some cases element zero is used and in other cases it is not. You will need to keep this in mind when using the Ubound function to determine the number of values you have in the array. If the array is zero-based, then element zero is used to store a value and you will have to add one to the value returned by the Ubound function to make up for it.


This example replaces each occurrence of X in an array with Y.

Dim i As Integer
For i=0 to Ubound(Names)
 If Names(i)="X" Then
 End If

See Also

Dim statement; Array, Join, Split functions; Append, IndexOf, Insert, Pop, Redim, Remove, Shuffle, Sort, Sortwith methods; ParamArray keyword.